Far-Infrared Sauna: Weight loss and Deep Detoxification
August 01, 2017
Just 15 min at the end of my day helps to release my clients’ energy and to refuel my body before I head home. I have the luxury of being here 4 days a week and being able to see the benefits in my skin, my digestion, and my overall mood. Even with just once a week use, the far-infrared sauna can give you those benefits as well. This sauna literally burns 600 calories an hour. [Click Below to Read More]

Tips and Tricks to Create Balance During the Holidays
November 21, 2016
The holidays are approaching quickly! Every year we gather around together to play, eat, shop, and spend some much needed time with our family and friends. We forget how easy it is to get off track of our goals. Our ideas of fun outweigh our priorities of staying healthy. We CAN create a balance of having fun while staying as healthy as possible. You deserve to treat yourself! Many of my clients ask me for ideas about how to make it through the holidays without ruining all the hard work they've done. Here are some of my thoughts: